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Soil Degradation: future catastrophe – Posted in: Cow Talk, General, News, Uncategorized

In a recent National Geographic article, Charles Mann announced:   “Soil degradation is putting the future of the global population at risk.” Civil unrest in Latin America, Asia and Africa have now been attributed to a lack of food and/or affordable food, as a result of poor soil. In other countries such as Australia, and the nations of Africa on the southern edge of the Sahara, cattle grazing and feed-crop production on marginal lands; contribute substancially to…

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Factory Farming; hotbed of future contagions! – Posted in: Cow Talk, General, News, Press Releases, Uncategorized

       “Viral Storm: the dawn of a new Pandemic Age.”  written by Nathan Wolfe is a true wakeup call. Little do many of us realise that our modern way of living with it’s emphasis on factory farming, constant long-distance travel and over-used antibiotics, is creating a powder keg of destruction for our future. The new movie “Contagion” starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslett is actually loosely based on the research in Nathan’s book.  Modern life has certainly made us…

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Breast is Best – Posted in: General, News, Press Releases, Uncategorized

Surely until we know all the ramifications of ingesting genetically modified food we need to slow down our experimentation, especially when it comes to adding human DNA to animals. The latest “great idea” comes from China where apparently scientists have added human DNA to cattle embryos to create a herd producing milk which is deemed to be 80% human breast milk. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/chinese-cows-produce-quothuman-breast-milkquot-22981.html Manufacturers have been trying to produce the correct “formula” for a replacement human breast milk for…

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Emotional depths of a cow – Posted in: Cow Talk, News

News that cows have best friends comes as no surprise to those of us who have worked with them (what to speak of their mood swings!) Check out this article in the guardian:  “Cows have best friends” Who would think that beneath that calm exterior there is a boiling mass of emotions? I’m not talking about Wimbledon champions here, but cows. Yes, cows; those creatures that we eat, and take milk from, but rarely think…

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