The Journey Begins – Posted in: Uncategorized

July 22 2011. We shall remember today as the day our first ever Ahimsa Happyhealthycows, slaughter-free milk was successfully delivered. Our delivery area  is London and Hertforshire, but we have to begin somewhere. Tomorrow who knows, we may be delivering to you and your family.  Friends all over the world are asking “Where can we get dairy produce like this?” Our answer has to be, soon we hope. After all many of us can remember when the first…

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Skipping into Spring! – Posted in: General

Yesterday cows at our farm in Hertfordshire were let out for the first time after being brought into the barns last October. During the winter they are kept protected from the elements, and though they have ample space and light, nothing compares to being able to roam free in the fields. It’s a fun moment as they hurtle out of the barn gates and gallop around the fields. In the Swiss alps this time of…

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Ox is mightier than the tractor – Posted in: Uncategorized

In Cuba, the ox is mightier than the tractor. An ox is viewed as a way to step up food production while conserving energy. Cuba may rely more heavily  than ever on oxen to save fuel normally used by heavy machinery. President Raul Castro is promoting the beasts of burden as a way for the economically strapped communist country to increase food production while conserving energy. He recently suggested expanding a pilot programme that gives…

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